Saturday, January 5, 2013

Moonwalking with MC Hammer

I was a huge Michael Jackson fan when I was kid.  I even took tap dancing lessons when I was in fifth grade.  Somewhere out there is a photo of me in black stretch pants wearing a peach sequence vest and matching peach sequence hat.  Did I mention it was peach...and sequence?

My friend Josh and I were so excited about dances in junior high, we used to practice moves in my parents basement.  I am not kidding.  It takes two by Rob Base was a particular favorite. We would listen to songs that we thought might get played at the dance and choreograph moves.  Like I said, I am not kidding.

By my freshman year I had won three dance contests to MC Hammer's Can't Touch This. The trophies usually consisted of a six pack of soda and the attention of a number of beautiful junior high girls.  I know what you are thinking, "Doug, what is your secret?  Teach us the ways of your zen mastery in pre-pubescent extra-curricular groove."  Or you are thinking, "What a dork." It gets worse.

High school was more of the same.  I attended dances regularly.  My mom and I were the stars of the Mother-Son Father-Daughter dance whereupon we fearlessly twisted the night away.  In college I was hypnotized at freshman orientation and did a full lip sync to Michael Jackson's Beat it.  Many friendships were formed that night based on side splitting laughter and disbelief in my ability to moon walk.  Since then, things have slowed down.

My kids are the proud owners of Just Dance 3 and 4 and I just can't seem to let myself participate. The game is incredible.  It promotes incredible physical activity for people while having all the fun of a dance party in your living room. So what's my deal?  I think I have a theory.

Somewhere I let myself slip into a "been there, done that," mode when it came to dancing.  It is much easier to smile from the bar with your drink then get out on the dance floor.  It is much easier to disengage the present and dwell on the past. Yup, thats it.

I let myself dismiss the newness of every opportunity to encounter music and movement because I equate it with my adolescence.  The experience for me seems childish and I feel like I need to put away childish things.  How many of us do this with our faith?

"Oh I went to church when I was a kid because my mom made me."  "I used to go to youth group when I was a teenager, it was cool, but I grew out of it."  "Yeah, I used to take part in service trips when I was younger..."  And so on and so on.

A faith life just like dancing is not childish, it is child like.  We all know what the Lord thinks of being child like.  If you need a reminder read Matt 18:3.  Let make faith be a priority this year.  Maybe sit down and remember childhood joys and re-discover them.  Maybe your childhood encounter with faith was weak or ill an adult about it and discover a deeper richness in a more mature way.

MC Hammer ended up becoming a minister after all of his musical stardom faded away.  Maybe he and I were more connected than I had thought.  I should send him some soda. One of my new year's resolutions is to dance more.  I will not practice. I will not smirk at the invitation.  I will rip up the floor to Call me maybe and Final Countdown!

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